Tuesday, January 7, 2014


I have a little to say but I don't know how to begin.  I'm going to try to begin at the beginning but that is so far back on my own personal journey until after a time of deep reflection it gets kinda foggy.
In my business of natural hair styling and Locs for the African American, I have finally become fully conscience of what it is that I am actually doing.  I am meeting my clients where they are in their personal journeys and providing them with what they need and what they want through a process uniquely designed and customized for each individual, spiritually, mentally and physically.  For some of us the journey doesn't begin with the hair, (but doesn't omit it either) it could begin at many different levels in an attempt to meet personal goals.
Have you ever been so very close up on a situation until you can't see it?  Like how a certain thing can be so right there in your face that you can't share it, describe it, communicate it, or even see it as it is? Can't see the forest for the trees?
Maybe I am just describing myself but that is how it was (and sometime is)  for me in trying to express myself and clearly communicate to my customers the things needed in order to keep moving forward on personal journeys.
As we all are growing and learning new things about ourselves we discover the power and the blessings that are stored within all of us.  This is why it is so very important to know, love and accept who we are; its a beautiful thing to unleash the greatness, the divine gifts and the power that we have.  My journey began with accepting who I am and trusting myself enough to believe in my abilities and my experiences.  Trying to please other people with the life that God has planned out for me was the biggest mistake of my existence.  In order for me to meet people where they are I have to accept the gifts given to me and know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made and to love my fellow man as I love myself.  I want to meet you where you are! LET'S MEET....


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Transitions...to be or not to be.

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